Hello! My name is Dorothy. Welcome to my blog. Let me tell you a little bit about myself, before you start reading my blog.
You already know my name, so let's start with my pets. I have three fish. One is tiny and silver, but I don't know what kind of fish it is. Her name is Jessica. One is a goldfish. He is very big, even though he started out tiny. His name is El Dorado Santiago. It's a Spanish name. (It's pronounced like this: el du-ro-doe son-tee-o-go.) I also have a Betta Fish. Here is a picture of one:
Mine's name is Wisckers. He is blue. I had a red one named Steven, but unfortunately, he died in October in 2015. It was a very sad time. I also have two cats. Their names are Threespot and Peek. Threespot was once a street cat. My parents adopted him when he was a kitten. They were given Peek as a wedding present when he was a very tiny kitten. I love fashion, too. I love to sew fashion, actually. My Grandma gave me a sewing machine for Christmas when I was seven.